
martes, 3 de abril de 2012


Recently, I got a package notice from the post office. Because I was not expecting a package, I thought, "Oh no, it’s probably a package from some company that I will not want, so I will have to go to the trouble of sending it back…"

Later that day a good friend mentioned to me that I should be getting something in the mail from him. Well, my attitude about the package waiting for me at the post office changed immediately because I now knew who had sent it! I was excited to see what it was, so I went expectantly to the post office as soon as I could. I was delighted to get a set of stainless steel pots for backpacking as a thank you from some friends I had recently taken on a backpacking trip! I fired off a thank you note that night.

Later that evening I had a thought… In life there are many unexpected packages…Some I like and others I don’t. I have come to realize that no matter what comes, God is in control.

Even in moments of bewilderment or despair in the past, when I would have loved to have written, “RETURN TO SENDER”, I have survived and even come to a point of anticipating the future because I chose to focus on the Sender, and on the knowledge that God does love me and really does know and care about my life’s circumstances. Sometimes I have doubted but in those moments I always come back to the cross as the ultimate proof of God’s love. Jesus died for me, he proved his love. The words of Romans 8:28 are profound… “And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God and are called according to his purpose.”

What are the packages you hold today? Can you trust that God does have a plan? The nation of Israel was dealing with the reality of being in captivity, and in Jeremiah 29:11 God reassures them by saying, “For I know the plans that I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for calamity to give you a future and a hope.”

Can you trust him? And what about writing Him a thank you note…?
Taken from here

lunes, 2 de abril de 2012


Una señora de edad había esperado toda la vida la oportunidad de viajar en un tren. Quería contemplar, devorar cada paisaje con los ojos y disfrutar todo cuanto pudiera en los kilómetros que iría a recorrer.
Entró muy decida en el vagón de pasajeros y cuando el tren partió, comenzó a acomodar los paquetes y cestas que traía, trató de arreglar confortablemente su asiento y acomodar las cortinas, y colocarse en situación cómoda pero …
de repente, cuando ya estaba lista para comenzar la contemplación del paisaje, el conductor voceó el nombre de la estación a la cual iban, ¡habían llegado!.
“Que pena”, dijo ella, “si hubiese sabido que llegaríamos tan pronto no habría perdido tiempo en pequeñeces”.
No perdamos el enfoque real en nuestra vida. Las pequeñeces muchas veces nos desvían y distraen del verdadero paisaje, de las cosas grandes que Dios tiene para nosotros.. démosle a Él, el lugar que merece…
¡El Primer lugar!
Efesios 5:15,16
“Mirad, pues, con diligencia cómo andéis, no como necios, sino como sabios, aprovechando bien el tiempo, porque los días son malos”
Mateo 6:33
"Mas buscad primeramente el reino de Dios y su justicia, y todas estas cosas os serán añadidas".
Deuteronomio 6:5
"Y Amarás al Señor tu Dios de todo tu corazón, y de toda tu alma, y con todo tu poder".
Tomado de Renuevo de Plenitud